The Nurse Practitioner (NP) Role in Complex Malignant Hematology (CMH)
Project lead: Denise Bryant-Lukosius
CCAPNR members on the project team: Nancy Carter
Goal: To inform the optimal utilization and implementation of NPs in CMH and promote long-term role sustainability and effectiveness for meeting patient and health services needs
- Interviews and focus groups with nurses, health care providers, administrators, APNs, and patients
Forbes, M. F., Carter, N., MacKenzie, K. L., Kouroukis, C. T., Balonjan, K. S., & Bryant-Lukosius, D. E. (2024). The Nurse Practitioner Role in Complex Malignant Hematology: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Seminars in oncology nursing, 151625. Advance online publication.
The response and impact of advanced practice nurses for addressing health and health system needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
Project leads: Erin Ziegler & Denise Bryant-Lukosius
Goal: Examined how APNs responded to address health & health service needs due to COVID-19; identified & described APN innovations & their outcomes; established priorities for future research from a national and global perspective
- Synthesis of existing data on APN innovations
- Virtual regional stakeholder meetings
- Virtual global consensus meetings
Ziegler, E., Martin-Misener, R., Rietkoetter, S., Baumann, A., Bougeault, I. L., Kovacevic, N., Miller, M., Moseley, J., Wong, F. K. Y., & Bryant-Lukosius, D. (2023). Response and innovations of advanced practice nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review. International nursing review, 10.1111/inr.12884. Advance online publication.
Comparing advanced practice nurse activities in Canada, Finland, and Hong Kong
Project lead: Krista Jokiniemi
CCAPNR members on the project team: Denise Bryant-Lukosius, Kelley Kilpatrick, Ruth Martin-Misener, & Joan Tranmer
Goal: Differentiated non-advanced specialized nursing roles and the advanced practice nurse’s role, in order to determine how these roles may complement one another and be optimally utilized within healthcare teams
- Survey of advanced practice nurses in Canada, Finland, and Hong Kong using the Advanced Practice Role Delineation Tool
Chair, S. Y., Wong, F. K. Y., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Liu, T., & Jokiniemi, K. (2023). Construct validity of advanced practice nurse core competence scale: an exploratory factor analysis. BMC nursing, 22(1), 57.
Jokiniemi, K., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Roussel, J., Kilpatrick, K., Martin-Misener, R., Tranmer, J., Rietkoetter, S., Carr, M., & Pond, G. R. (2023). Differentiating Specialized and Advanced Nursing Roles: The Pathway to Role Optimization. Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 36(1), 57–74.
Jokiniemi, K., Chair, S. Y., Wong, F. K. Y., & Bryant-Lukosius, D. (2022). Advanced practice role delineation within Hong Kong: A cross-sectional study. Nursing & health sciences, 24(3), 679–689.
Jokiniemi, K., Hølge-Hazelton, B., Kristofersson, G. K., Frederiksen, K., Kilpatrick, K., & Mikkonen, S. (2021). Core competencies of clinical nurse specialists: A comparison across three Nordic countries. Journal of clinical nursing, 30(23-24), 3601–3610.
Effectiveness of registered nurses (RNs) on patient and system outcomes in primary care: systematic review
CCAPNR members on the project team: Joan Tranmer, Ruth Martin-Misener, & Denise Bryant-Lukosius
Goal: To synthesize and appraise the quality of evidence regarding the effectiveness of RNs on patient-level outcomes in primary care.
- Systematic review of the literature
Lukewich, J., Martin-Misener, R., Norful, A. A., Poitras, M. E., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Asghari, S., Marshall, E. G., Mathews, M., Swab, M., Ryan, D., & Tranmer, J. (2022). Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in primary care: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 740.