CCAPNR evolved from the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation/Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CHSRF/CIHR) Chair in Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) Program held by Alba DiCenso. The CHSRF/CIHR Chair program was a 10-year award co-sponsored by the CHSRF/CIHR and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (2001-2011).
The Chair program’s mandate was to increase Canada’s capacity of nurse researchers who would conduct applied research related to APN that served the needs of the local, regional, provincial, national and international levels to address education and mentoring; research; linkage and exchange.
Through research and leadership, and in partnership with national and international stakeholders, we will improve health and health services by advancing the nursing care provided to society

To improve health and the delivery of accessible and sustainable evidence-informed nursing and healthcare services through research, education, mentorship, and knowledge translation that strengthens the contribution of nursing and advanced nursing roles in Canada and beyond.
We value innovation, equity, person-centredness, interprofessional collaboration, generosity, and integrity in all of our work.
Conducting timely, responsive, & meaningful research about the education, development, & utilization of specialized & advanced nursing roles
Leading activities that support the design, conduct, dissemination, & utilization of high-quality research in Canada and internationally

Supporting the development of advanced nursing roles through education & mentorship of undergraduate & graduate students, advanced practice nurses, & early investigators
- To provide a national and international forum to identify, discuss, examine, and debate important issues relevant to the integration of specialized and advanced nursing roles in Canada and beyond
- To improve patient health, quality of care, and healthcare utilization and costs through research and knowledge translation activities that inform nursing practice and the effective use of specialized and advanced nursing roles across the continuum of healthcare in collaboration with provincial, national, and international stakeholders
- To promote faculty and staff development through education and external consultation and guidance for the development of new or ongoing research or other related initiatives
- To provide national stakeholders with consultation and guidance on new or ongoing research or other nursing and APN related initiatives
- To provide and maximize the use of staff and practical resources to support the conduct of research and knowledge translation activities
- To provide opportunities to promote stakeholder understanding of the effective development and use of specialized and advanced nursing roles through education and knowledge translation
- To provide a forum for manuscript review and development and the submission of abstracts for peer reviewed presentations
- To promote team collaboration, cooperation, and support for joint research