Nurse Practitioner (NP) legacy database mining and learning system project 2023-2026

Project lead: Minna Miller

CCAPNR members on the project team: Denise Bryant-Lukosius & Ruth Martin-Misener


  1. Comprehensive analysis of NP Encounter Data housed in the NP Legacy Database 2010-2022
  2. Comparison and analysis of the past and current state of NP practise in specialty/subspecialty settings 2010-present at the Provincial Health Services Authority, British Columbia

Methods: Multi-year mixed methods study:

  • Phase 1: Briefing Note, budget, initial stakeholder/partner engagement, project resources, and supports (Q4 2023).
  • Phase 2a: Data pull and Retrospective Data Analysis of >322,000 data items, description, and summary of findings. (Q1-2, 2024).
  • Phase 2b: Identification of secondary research questions, and related analysis (Q3,2024).
  • Phase 3: Mixed Method Study: Data summary of phases 1 and 2a/b, focus groups/interviews to evaluate past data to current practice. (Q4, 2024/2025).
  • Phases 4 to 6: (2025-2026).
    • Evaluation and Long-Term Sustainability Planning of NP Specialized Practice
    • Health Systems Innovation of NP Specialty Practice and Data set plan for the future


  • Phase 1 completed
  • Phase 2a in progress


Each phase includes the following outputs: Summary report, presentation, publication and knowledge translation plan


Miller, M., Marchuk, S., Bone, J., Bourgeois, A., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Canessa, C., Martin-Misener, R., Rizi, S.A.& Zhang, Q. (2024, April 12-14). Unlocking the Power of Administrative Health Services Data-Insights from the BC Nurse Practitioner Legacy Database Project [oral presentation]. NP Association of Canada (NPAC) National Conference, Calgary, AB